Anthony (Tony) Reid
Professor Emeritus
BA/MA/Hon. D.Lit (Victoria University of Wellington), PhD (Cambridge), FAHA, FBA
The Australian National University
School of Culture, History and Language, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific
Tony was progressively Fellow, Senior Fellow and Professor in SE Asian History at ANU 1970-99. He retired early to become first Director of SE Asian Studies at UCLA 1999-2002, and then founding Director of the Asia Research Institute at NUS in Singapore, 2002-7.
His early work was on northern Sumatra, then the Indonesian revolution, but since the 1980s Early Modern Southeast Asia ('SE Asia in the Age of Commerce', 1988-93). His most recent work is 'A History of Southeast Asia: Critical Crossroads' (2015), and a novel, 'Mataram' (2018)
Expertise Area(s)
Early Modern SE Asia
South Sulawesi
Deep history
Southeast Asia